Nine strangers. One creepy mansion. Zero Escape.

You awaken in a luxurious, yet dark and creepy mansion with 8 other strangers. Before you can grasp this weird situation, a strange creature calling herself ‘’Nyx’’ appears and announces a horrifying reality: you're all trapped in a twisted game of deception and murder, a real-life version of the Werewolf/Mafia game.

However, death is not permanent. Every time you die in this game, you open your eyes to find yourself right at the start of the loop forever trapped in an endless game of death and misery.

But fear not, you’re not alone. Unlike the others, a mysterious girl named ‘’ Astrid’’ seems to also retain her memories across the time loops.

Will you two work together to uncover the secrets of this mansion, and break free from this eternal cycle of death and despair ...


Will you forever be forced to repeat this sick game until the end of your days?

Only ‘’YOU’’ can decide

Key Features:

  • Unravel the Mystery: Who is Nyx, the sick architect of this twisted game? Why is she doing this? Why is this happening? but most of all why do you have hollow creepy eyes and barely utter a word?
  • Social Deduction werewolf mystery game: Each participant has a ‘’ROLE’’ in this game from simple roles like the ‘’Observer’’ and the ‘’ Killer’’ to more complex roles like the ‘’ Guardian Angel’’ and the ‘’ Vigilante’’. Use these roles to your advantage and survive until the end.
  • Vote on who you believe is the killer: At the end of each night,  every participant ( including you) gets to vote on who they believe is the killer, and the participant with the majority of votes is then killed off. You have complete freedom to vote for whoever you desire and the game adapts to your choice. You even have the ability not to vote on anyone.
  • Explore multiple routes and endings (including a secret true route) in this non-linear adventure: Your choices actually matter as they send you into different paths and endings. The more endings you unlock the more answers you receive and the clearer the story and mysteries become.
  • Full-panel NSFW and animated scenes: Enjoy a variety of hand-crafted and animated NSFW/Lewd scenes that offer not only spicy lewdness but also lore and character backstories.
  • A ‘’Gallery’’ menu option: where you can rewatch lewd scenes at your convenience.
  • Passionately designed and unique-looking characters with a unique art style: Each character is carefully designed and presented with a unique aesthetic.
  • Immersive story and atmosphere: that represents the accumulation of more than 9 months of hard work and years of experience in the indie dev scene, inspired by works like the Zero Escape series and Danganronpa

Hint: It is recommended to leave ‘’ Astrid route’’ last*




Updated 6 days ago
Published 13 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android, HTML5
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(33 total ratings)
AuthorHina Aozora
GenreVisual Novel, Survival
Made withGodot
TagsAdult, Anime, Erotic, Gore, Hentai, Horror, Multiple Endings, NSFW, Psychological Horror
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, Smartphone


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DeathmoonFullAndroid.apk 402 MB
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DeathmoonFullLinux.x86_64 426 MB
if you pay $3.99 USD or more 407 MB
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How much longer is the full version as the demo? 

I dont really want to pay for it if it isnt like a good amount more but i also dont wanna pirate it Since i still want to help the creator.


I literally just finished it, and trust me, theres a lot more content. Its doesnt compare to the amount of content in say Academy 34 or Four Elements of Trainer, but it makes up in the story. The story is immaculate and is extended way farther along than the end of the demo



This game is a masterpiece. The demo got me ''itching'' for more, so I bought the full game. I'm a big werewolf addict. I grew up playing the werewolf game at school with my friends, so this game made me really nostalgic. the music and art also fit the story insanely good. My only criticism is that the game needs a skip button because tapping the right arrow key can be annoying sometimes but other than that wonderful work.

Well, there are some chinks that need worked out. The text speed should be faster, or at least adjustable, because I read much faster than the text loads, so I need to click the arrow twice for every slide. Also, a feature to skip text (or at least previously read text) would be helpful, and in the second round, if you vote "no one", the screen just flashes red and doesn't allow you to pick another option, soft-locking you. Despite the polish issues, the writing is excellent. Good work.


Came for a nut left with a genuinely enjoyable story with an interesting concept. Not a fan of the way the NSFW was done imo but a solid 7/10

I tried the demo and so far, everything looks promising.


after multiple seed detected error the demo ended , so wheres the full game 

It's literally in the download section of this page. Is this your first time in Itch or something? 

nah i couldnt see it 

Deleted 5 hours ago

where tf is the full version


This is masterpiece

(read at your own risk) (spoiler)

At first it's super confusing 😔 but as time goes by playing this game and all the choices ive done and all the regress i finally did it but there is one thing im curious about what if i killed ***** instead of d******* wht will happen?

you are forced to go back and choose d******


bro before hoes or astrid before assholes? 


IS this a copy of Null by Fouzi its almost a one to one copy of the story just with more adult content?

The new lines for the new characters don't appear for me. Im using the Mac ver

(2 edits)

I hope it's okay to post this here

Was this game inspired by the zero escape games? 


Is there a way to get all gallery scenes in the full game, or is it locked at 3/5 for the time being?

Deleted 13 hours ago

a Sub for a Sub?

I can't use PayPal, is there a way to pay with debit card for the full version

Go to their patron and you can pay there(I think)

Hi, Dev so my previous YouTube video of this game was flagged for NSFW content, so I had to re-record the video. I really want to play this game on youtube. Is there a SFW version of this game 


Just make blur on the gore/sex parts or cut them out of thr video completely via, well, editing the video

Thanks , I think that's the only solution to be able to post this game in youtube


amazing game! bought it right after the demo.
Can't wait for future updates and more features/saucy cutscenes!


Personally i love this game but i will have to say that i hope a skip text button of some kind or multiple save files will be added, as a visual novel it does take quite a while to get back to where id like to be and making other choices since at times the game seems to auto save even though im pretty sure i have it off (ive checked and experimented various times but i could be doing something wrong). hope people give the full version a try i know that i did and even though the demo is lacking in lewds, story wise it got me to buy it.

Deleted 5 hours ago

Please check out my video too. I've just made a part 2


Why the fucking godot. Worst visual novel (by how it works) i've seen so far... You have to press DIRECTLY on the button to continue, cant make text instant, saves are kilometers back from when you actually decided to save, no load option so you can only have one save (i mean, its a fucking novel, a novel with just one save wtf, are you serious?). Hope it'll be remade on engine more compatible with "novel" kind of games someday. 

Cant really say more, since ig the crash out right after meeting a dark silhoutte in the light is not a bug but the end of demo(NO SEX IN DEMO IS EVIL!!!). Thats all ig.


lol chill bro 💀 I kinda agree about the engine choice but you can press the ''right arrow key'' to progress text, press twice to make text instant and the demo bug has been fixed

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Nah, twice press to instant text is making skipping back to your actual dialogue twice as longer, thats why novel's have more than a 1 fucking save slot

Easy way to win, (good guys)

   The watch displays the role

   The watch also produces light

   Guessing the role can't be shown to others (magic)

   Solution: cover the watch with thin parchment (paper),  and trace what it says with a utensil (pen(cil), the killer will be in a Catch-22 were if they refused or ran they would be given away and if they trace they will have to do so perfectly (nearly impossible) or just be easily found out by the what the paper says.

   (Never forget to right things down from what people said and what happened, everyone has to keep a separate account and keep it hidden)


Easy way to tie, (good guys)

   The guardian angel just protects themself and the killer can't vote them out.


Easy way to lose, (good guys)

   Vote on suspicion and ignore reality (not checking to see if something said was actually true)


Easy way to win, (The Killer)

   Get the sheriff to kill someone innocent

   Be friends with the guardian angel

   Kill the smartest people

   Lie, and build off the lies you have told, the lies should coincide with peoples first quests to trick them into thinking they are right, causing you to blend in and be safe.


Easy way to tie, (The Killer)

   Kill everyone but the guardian angel after befriending them


Easy way to lose, (The Killer)

   Lie terribly

   Get unlucky if someone is smart enough to use the watches and or paper to their advantage

   Sticking out too much or blending in too much


Also great music and premise!


ଯେତେବେଳେ ତୁମେ ତାରାଗୁଡ଼ିକର ପତନ ଦେଖିବ, ମୋତେ ମନେରଖ |

im planning to buy it, how long is the full version?


Did you get permission from Fouzi/Strange Girl to basically reskin Null?


I'm glad someone else noticed too. Even Hassan's silly Gahaha and Fufufu are identical.




Sigh another need to pay for full access game


Sadly so

Would be nice to have an "End of Demo" instead... Deleting

Just fixed this issue

(2 edits)

Edit: The Dev already fixed the bugs in the demo and full version so my tip is no longer needed.

Deleted 1 day ago

. Is there any Chinese translation added?


For now, no plans

same issue crashing after reality shatter specifically after you pick a girl and it goes who are you again then you press once more and then it crashes, trouble shooted it did everything i could nothing worked, I even tried compatibility literally everything.


same issue, crashing after reality shatter...

(1 edit) (+1)

I might be insane, but I could have sworn I've played this game before just with slightly different visuals? Was there an alpha version of this game with a different art style?


You're not alone on this. I played it too and it had like a whole intro before going straight in like this does.


It's the game Null by Fouzi, and Strange Girl studios made a remaster.

Thank you!! I knew I played it before! I appreciate you confirming I wasn't insane haha


Mild spoilers? Is there a walkthrough somewhere? Finished the full version. Gallery has two scenes that I haven't seen. And there is one person I've never seen at all in my two playthroughs.

Check the new update if you have time :)


It's already finished?

(1 edit) (+5)

I like it so far, but I wanted to report a bug: After "reality has been shattered," and I choose who the woman is, I get a line or two of text "who is this woman?" Then it crashes to desktop.

I am playing the windows version.


Web version crushes with shader compilation error somewhere around that point.


Same issue here


I'm having the same issue, both in the web version and the downloaded one, no matter what I choose the game just crashes after the reality shatter.

This issue is now fixed

Thanks for following up